Top 6 Commercial Office Furniture Trends In 2022

Commercial office furniture trends have been significantly up-ended since March 2020. From one-desk-per-person to accommodating the varied needs of today (and the future) hybrid workforce, space planners and facilities teams have never been more on the move. In fact, things have changed, evolved, and transformed so much that expectations for the “right” mix of furniture seem to remain elusive but there are some trends that are coming to the fore.
Here are the top 6 furniture trends we see for the coming year that will help you in predicting the right furniture mix for your team. Enjoy.
#1 The Cubicle
With a greater need than ever to provide privacy and social distancing while maximizing footprint the cubicle fits the bill. The humble office cubicle is approaching it’s 60th birthday but it’s form & function are almost more relevant today than when the first one was invented by Herman Miller in 1964. Just don’t think of the 5×5 cubicle of the 80’s and 90’s. The modern cubical will be a little larger and more open.
#2 Interactive Lounges
For the hybrid worker, the office is all about social interaction. Whether it is to provide for personal interactions or a work-related huddle these areas provide the connections with colleagues not found at home while also providing a space to hold fun activities and boost employee morale. Think of the comfort of your living room right in the perks of the office.
#3 In-Between Spaces
In giving employee the flexibility and freedom to use the office as they see fit, these are unassigned spaces that belong to everybody and nobody. They may be used for 10 minutes between meetings to reply to a few emails or as an all-afternoon work space. Typically located between two office destinations such as an office and meeting room, these functional spaces can give flavor and functionality to otherwise wasted space
#4 Biophilic Designs
For both morale and for employee health and productivity, the incorporation of nature into workplace design is here to stay. The multi-sensory interactions offered by natural elements are proven to reduce stress and also provide a powerful tangible association between a brand and their commitment to sustainability. This trend goes beyond just putting plants around the office, it is a holistic approach of including natural materials like wood.
#5 Modular Furniture
Gone are the days of dividing up space with fixed partitions of metal studs and drywall. Modular room systems that are highly configurable to respond to the constant changes the future will undoubtedly bring. Whether it is for private office space or an adaptable meeting room system there is a solution being created for it. The reduced cost of future office reconfiguration will be the undeniable driver of this trend with the CFO.
#6 Sustainable Furntiure
This movement has been gaining traction for awhile and now, it is not as much about looks as it is the materials used and the business practices of the manufactures. Brands are looking to align with like minded furniture brands that will further their claim to sustainability. The industry is stepping up to the plate with solutions from chairs made of recycled plastic and old fishing nets to factories who run on solar power.